Lihua Lin | Chiayi, Taiwan
I Had Been Troubled With Arrhythmia and Atrial Fibrillation for 17 Years
My name is Lihua Lin and I am 71 years old. 16 or 17 years ago, I found I had heart problems. Wearing a 24-hour ECG monitor helped to find arrhythmia. At that time, I had 1 to 3 attacks every day as well as atrial fibrillation.
When I had arrhythmia attacks, my heart would beat very fast, like it was going to pop out, and I was also out of breath. Whenever that happened, I had to lie down and rest. When I slept at night, atrial fibrillation became severe and caused angina. As soon as my heart was in pain, I woke up instantly, and then I couldn’t fall asleep, so I had to take sleeping pills almost every day.
In addition, for about 20 years, I had mid-thoracic interscapular pain. (Note: the mid-thoracic interscapular is an acupuncture point located at the spine of the fourth thoracic vertebra on a human’s back, close to the inside of the shoulder blade). Because the pain point was very deep and couldn’t be massaged with fingers, I had to press hard to relieve the pain. Sometimes I asked my husband to accompany me to the park in the middle of the night because there was metal fitness equipment in Dingzhuang Park that I used to massage the mid-thoracic interscapular acupuncture point in order to relieve the pain.
I also had frozen shoulders, which had been painful for almost 10 years. When the pain hit, my arm drooped due to shoulder weakness, which meant I was unable to comb my hair. Sometimes the pain was unbearable. To relieve the pain, I had to raise my hands above my head when sleeping at night, similar to the posture of surrender.
My index finger had suffered from trigger finger for more than 5 years, and I also suffered from tendinitis. I went to a doctor for tendinitis surgery, but it relapsed. As for the trigger finger, if I often used my index finger, it would trigger, and the finger couldn’t be straightened. I couldn’t straighten it with my other hand. At that time, I was in a miserable physical condition and at rock bottom.
After 9 months of practicing Energy Bagua, My Arrhythmia and Atrial Fibrillation Were Gone
Then I discovered Energy Bagua at Dingzhuang Park. When I started to practice Energy Bagua, it was really painful because I felt uncomfortable when my heartbeat was irregular. I could only stop to rest and continue to practice after it was passed.
I practiced Energy Bagua with focus. After about 1 or 2 months, my arrhythmia improved. After practicing for 3 or 4 months, the arrhythmia’s frequency decreased significantly, and it only occurred once a day at most. The problem of atrial fibrillation also improved a lot. After 8 or 9 months, all heart issue symptoms disappeared.
After Practicing Energy Bagua for 7 months, My Frozen Shoulders Were Gone. Mid-Thoracic Interscapular Pain Disappeared, and The Trigger Finger No Longer Relapsed
After practicing Energy Bagua, I continue to practice “Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Energy Bagua Aerobics“. Every time I practice “Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Energy Bagua Aerobics”, I have fluid movements. Now when I comb my hair, whether left or right, front or back, it is very easy, and I can walk quickly. After about 6 or 7 months of practice, my frozen shoulders improved, and now the pain is gone. My mid-thoracic interscapular pain also improved. About 8 or 9 months later, my trigger finger was gone, and it never relapsed again. Thank you very much, Grandmaster!
(Note: The effect of practicing Energy Bagua varies from person to person.)