Yanfen Ong, Singapore
I am 63 this year (2019). When I was 50 years old, I experienced intense pain in my knees, especially when walking down stairs, because of aging knees. I had also suffered from constipation since I was in my 20s. I had a bowel movement once every two to three days with great difficulty, which was a real headache.
I started learning Energy Bagua in 2017. After practicing for three months, the pain in my knees greatly reduced and I could walk even faster than my husband. My constipation problem improved as well. Thanks to my practice, I was able to have a bowel movement every day without much hassle. I’m in love with Energy Bagua!
Until now I’ve kept up with my practice for three years. To achieve better results, I joined an Energy Bagua Basic Training Class at the beginning of September this year. There, I was able to practice with Grandmaster JinBodhi’s demonstration videos under the instructors’ guidance, which helped me to correct my movements. Now I can walk Energy Bagua with more ease! Energy Bagua is indeed a great exercise!
The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.