By Su Zhi Yuan, Hong Kong
The health benefits I experienced from Energy Bagua were tremendous.
I am a 67-year-old retiree. My wife inspired me to begin meditating. Through learning Bodhi Meditation, she became more understanding, loving and patient. Noticing the huge change in her character, I became curious about meditation and began my journey of practice in August 2015.
Breaking Free of 20 Years of Frozen Shoulders
Frozen shoulders (also known as adhesive capsulitis) were a source of long-term pain for me. My shoulders were always stiff and the pain never let up. Lifting my arms to dress myself was an ordeal. I was also challenged by high blood pressure, and my cholesterol and creatinine index (an indicator of kidney function) were on the high side.
During my first visit to the Tin Hau (Huanghou) Bodhi Meditation Center in 2015, I signed up for Energy Bagua class. As I had frozen shoulders, the initial phase of the practice was difficult. Back pain and fatigue would hit me. Despite the challenges, I did not give up and persisted in the practice. After about 10 days, my shoulders started to feel less painful and stiff. To my surprise, after slightly more than a month of practice, I had made a full recovery. The symptoms of frozen shoulders were gone and I could dress myself with ease.
Further Improvements
In November 2015, I went for my scheduled body check-up. The medical report showed that my systolic blood pressure had dropped from 140mmHg to a healthy 110mmHg, and my total cholesterol index had improved from 6.1mmol/L to 5.9mmol/L, closer to the acceptable range. My creatinine index fell from 113umol/L to 108umol/L, which is within the normal range. There was even a glow to my facial complexion. I could hardly believe the health benefits were so apparent in merely two months of practice. Energy Bagua is truly amazing.
No More Sleep Apnea
Since 2013, I also suffered from a sleeping disorder known as sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing repeatedly stops, causing a lack of oxygen in the body and abrupt awakening due to shortness of breath. I consulted a doctor and an airway-pressure device was recommended. However, I stopped using the equipment when it did not bring about any significant improvement. So, 10 minutes into my slumber, I would start to breathe through my mouth, creating loud breathing sounds that roused me from my sleep every hour. However, after the 108-Day Energy Bagua program, my sleep improved; I was only waking up two or three times a night.
The health benefits I experienced from Energy Bagua were tremendous. I was so confident in Bodhi Meditation practice that I signed up for the 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat. The benefits of attending the retreat were also evident; my sleep apnea disappeared. Before the retreat, I had an operation on my voice cords which caused my voice to be weak and hoarse. Since I started meditation my voice has become strong and clear.
Glowing With Gratitude
During the retreat, I noticed that my appetite and palate changed. I began to prefer lightly flavored dishes and vegetables instead of meat and seafood, while my rice intake dropped by 30 percent. Even though I ate less than usual, I would feel full. In three months, my weight dropped by four kilograms.
I’ve kept up a regime of practice sessions of The Meditation of Greater Illumination, prostration or chanting. A month into this routine, my skin started to peel and became smooth, shiny and glowing. The dark spots on my arms disappeared. I felt more energetic even without an afternoon nap.
I constantly promote Bodhi Meditation to my family. My health has gone from failing to glowing. I am beyond grateful to Bodhi Meditation for the tremendous improvement in my health.
The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.